LIVE–2024 Home Education Conference

Minnesota High School

Our Program Empowers Families.
We’re here to empower students and families by providing the tools and support to succeed in home-based education. Our program includes:

  • Access to curriculum
  • Venture Reward funding
  • College admission test preparation
  • Teacher support
  • Connection with a community of parents and students in the program working right alongside you
  • Students graduate with an accredited high school diploma.

Tuition Free
By partnering with public schools, we are able to offer these services tuition free.

Curriculum Options
High school students utilize High School Suite, a fully accredited curriculum powered by BYU, to complete their four core subjects of language arts, math, science, and social studies. In addition, students fulfill elective requirements through the course offerings listed above or in eDynamic. All high school students will receive unlimited access to eDynamic’s extensive elective and CTE (career and technical) course offerings.

High School Suite teaches concepts primarily in a reading-to-learn format. A mix of writing projects and multiple choice assessments are used to test knowledge. These engaging text-based lessons help students develop critical thinking skills while mastering concepts.

Venture Reward

Equity in education is something Venture Upward is committed to, which is why the Venture Reward was implemented. We strive to ensure that every student is equipped with the tools needed to be successful with the curriculum we provide through local district programs. Every student that enrolls in Venture Upward in Minnesota will receive Venture Reward funding of $1,000 each school year to access educational items. Many families have benefited from using their Venture Reward for printers, internet access, technology, books, education games, additional curriculum, and so much more! Please note that the Venture Reward funds cannot be used to purchase religiously-based curricula. All items are property of the district and must be returned if a student withdraws before the end of the school year.

If you have any questions about what materials might be eligible for purchase with Venture Reward funds, please contact your teacher. If you do not yet have a teacher, you can reach us at

College Admission Test Preparation

As part of the Venture Upward program, all high school students receive access to college admissions test preparation materials. This is optional, but we advise college-bound students to take advantage of the offering.

Community Events

Establishing a strong sense of community is vital for students to thrive academically and personally. As part of our commitment to fostering a sense of community, Venture Upward offers a range of engaging and meaningful events throughout the year. Please note that community events are open to all Minnesota families, regardless of enrollment status; fees apply. Our program includes but is not limited to the following events:

  • Annual: Home education conference
  • Semester: Family field trips (Note: High School students are given a $300 allowance to customize their own field trips throughout the year.)
  • Quarterly: Community service opportunities, professional development, and virtual book clubs for parents and students
  • Other: National pen pal program, professional development for parents, a supportive and encouraging Facebook community, and more!

We believe that a strong community provides a solid foundation for academic success, and we are dedicated to providing opportunities for students to connect with their peers and engage in meaningful experiences.

Teacher Support

Venture Upward provides personalized support to students and families by assigning a dedicated Minnesota-licensed teacher to each family. Minnesota teachers offer guidance and mentorship in areas such as curriculum selection, answering questions, and providing tutoring services as needed. Additionally, high school students receive specialized support from a subject-specific teacher.

Program Requirements

  • Weekly Attendance: Students must make weekly progress in their coursework, or they may be marked absent.
  • Standardized Testing
High School Studying headphones
High School Social Gathering outdoor cafe selfie