LIVE–2024 Home Education Conference


At Venture, our families take the spotlight! We take the time to get to know each and every one of them in order to tailor their student’s studies. This helps them to shine the brightest. Meet some of our amazing and radiant families that have been nominated by their teachers and staff for being a bright light!


The Studniski Family

“I’m just so happy that we found this program, and it works! I had no idea something like this even existed. This is perfect.”


The Johnson Family

“The thing I really love most is the compassion and the understanding staff who want nothing more than to help my kids succeed.”


The Cory Family

“I love how happy and at peace my kids have become.”

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Aaden Pollio

Through the flexibility of home education that VIBE and Venture Upward provide, Aaden’s journey is paved to allow his dreams to become a reality with each meticulously crafted piece of wood.

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The Sappington Family

“It was so helpful to have someone to work with us to assess him and see what level he was at and go on from there.”


The Valdivia Family

“Venture have given me the ability to have a larger hand in educating my students.”

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The Barberg Family

“There is so much grace and heart behind the people at Venture.”


The Schnebly Family

“Venture has brought the perfect combination of community and love back into learning.”


The Carter Family

“This is the best program we have used, and I’m sticking with it.”

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The Tenneson Family

“Venture has provided the plans to help our family get it all done and enjoy it!”

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The Arbon Family

“Helping a child learn and see those sparks go off in their eyes, it’s priceless.”


The Schuety Family

“Venture has grown our relationship with our children within our home!”

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The Lopez Family

“Venture Upward has given me all the right tools that are working for us.”


The Bowles Family

Venture has given them the love of learning that this family was looking for.

Student learning about cars homeschool

Eli Thomas

Eli gained confidence with support from his Student Success Team and a very dedicated mom!